Category: Uncategorized
Boxing Day Reunion 2017
Posted onTCAA Newsday Hall of Fame Supplement Nov. 2014
Posted onThe TCAA secured digital pages of the original supplement released Nov. 30th 2014. For those of us to were unable to secure a copy, you may now access it in this blog post. TCAA Newsday Hall of Fame Supplement Nov 2014
Trinity College 10th Anniversary Magazine
Posted onWe were able to scan a surviving copy of a 10th Anniversary magazine published by the college. Alumni will enjoy reading about the first 10 years. There are articles written by Dave Darbeau (Khafra Kambon), Rawle Gibbons, reports on persons like David Murray (Aiyegoro Ome), Adrian Chatfield, John Chang, our first head boy. There is […]
Trinity College Alumni Association, North America meets on Saturday 30th September in Maryland and Brooklyn
Posted onDC/MD/VA US Trinity folks, here are the details for Saturday’s (September 30th) Update Meeting at my house, if you can make it: Address: 20368 Mill Pond Terrace Germantown MD 20876 NYC and surroundings 3918 Ave J, Brooklyn, N.Y. , 11210…meeting is at 3.30 pm please call me at (917)838 8593 to confirm your attendance…look […]